What are the recommended commands to use with Google Home Assistant for my Frigidaire Connected Home Comfort appliance?
Applies to
- Connected Appliances
- Frigidaire App
It’s pretty easy to use Google Home Assistant with your connected appliance. Here are some simple tips:
Example: Window Room Air Conditioner named “Air Conditioner”
- Turn on: Ok Google, turn on Air Conditioner
- Turn off: Ok Google, turn off Air Conditioner
- Mode: Ok Google, set Air Conditioner to Eco Mode
- Temp: Ok Google, set Air Conditioner to 65 degrees
- Fan Speed: Ok Google, set Air Conditioner fan speed to high
Example: Dehumidifier named “Dehumidifier”
- Turn on: Ok Google, turn on Dehumidifier
- Turn off: Ok Google, turn off Dehumidifier
- Humidity setting: Ok Google, change the humidity of “Dehumidifier” to 35%
- Settings: Ok Google, change the humidity of “Dehumidifier” to continuous
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