Room Air Conditioner - No Power


  • The AC unit is not powering on

Applies to

  • Room Air Conditioners


Does unit have power?

  • Check the outlet and verify the unit has the proper AC volts supplied to the unit. Refer to use and care for the necessary volts.
    NOTE: 115 volts can be verified at the outlet by using any small appliance in home (radio, hairdryer, etc.)
  • Is the unit plugged into a GFI Outlet? Reset the GFCI if it has tripped.
  • Has there been a recent power outage? Check the breaker to make sure it hasn't tripped.
  • Check to the power cord, and make sure the reset button doesn't need to be pressed.

Display lights up but the unit is not responding

  • Try resetting the unit by unplugging it for 1 full minute and plugging it back in.


  • For units installed within the past 30 days, please refer back to your installer to resolve this issue.
  • For units installed after 30 days please contact us to schedule service.

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