Room Air Conditioner - Dim lights or Flickering Lights


  • Room air conditioner lights are dim
  • Room air conditioner lights are flickering

Applies to

  • Room Air Conditioners


The lights on the unit are flickering or dim

  • This indicates that the unit does not have the proper voltage going to it, please contact an electrician to correct the issue.
  • NOTE: Frigidaire is not responsible for any electrical (AC/volts) issues that are present in the home. If the AC unit is labeled for single circuit, this means there should be a breaker in the electrical panel that shuts power off to the AC unit and only the AC unit. Running an extension cord to the unit may decrease the supply volts, and not recommended.


  • For units installed within the past 30 days, please refer back to your installer to resolve this issue.
  • For units installed after 30 days please contact us to schedule service.

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