Dehumidifier - Not Collecting Water


  • Dehumidifier is not collecting water

Applies to

  • Dehumidifiers


Is this a newly installed unit?

  • Make sure the unit is installed correctly according to the installation guide.
  • The unit is plugged in and has proper voltage is power on.
  • Is there anything blocking the unit's air flow? The unit needs to have free air flow in order to function properly. Move any objects that are blocking the unit's air flow.

Has the bucket been emptied?

  • If the water bucket is full and not emptied the unit will not function properly. Empty the water bucket and the unit should come back on.

Has the unit been set to the desired RH% setting?

  • The recommended RH% (relative humidity) setting by the industry for health and safety is between 40% and 60%. Achieving a comfortable humidity level is more important than collecting water.
  • Select a RH% on the unit. If you are unsure what to set it at start at the upper limit and work down day by day until a comfortable setting is reached. The lowest possible setting is normally 35%

Is "Continuous Mode" (CO) turned on?

  • The "CO" mode is intended for high humidity conditions for short durations only. Once the recommended range 40% to 60% has been reached the unit should be set to the desired comfort level. When the room is below 40% RH and at low room temperatures there is little water that can be extracted from the air.

What is the fan speed set to?

  • The fan speed should be set depending on the room size, temperature and relative humidity.
  • When the room temperature is warm and RH is high the fan speed can be set to high to speed the dehumidification process. When temperatures and RH is low set the fan speed to low. This allows the air to reach lower a dew point collecting more water.

Have you cleaned the filter?

  • Check your filter and make sure it is clean, please refer to your use and care manual for more information.


  • For units installed within the past 30 days, please refer back to your installer to resolve this issue.
  • For units installed after 30 days please contact us to schedule service.

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