Freezer Runs Too Much


  • Freezer is running to much


Is this a newly installed unit?

  • Newly installed units may run longer within the first 24 hours, in order for temperatures to stabilize.

Where is the unit located?

  • A freezer will not be as efficient in an uninsulated environment without climate control. It's normal for the freezer to work longer under these conditions.

Has the unit recently lost power?

  • If the unit is recovering from a power issue, it may run longer than usual to stabilize temperatures. It may take up to 8 hours for the freezer to cool down for loading, and up to 24 hours to stabilize.

​Have large amounts of warm or hot food been stored in the freezer recently?

  • Warm or hot food will cause the freezer to run longer until the desired cold temperature is reached again.
  • We do not recommend placing hot items inside a freezer. There should be no more than 2 to 3 pounds of unfrozen or room temperature food items added at any one time.

Has the door been left open?

  • This allows warm air to leak into the freezer and causes the compressor to run longer. Make sure the door/lid is completely closed.

Is the temperature set too cold?

  • Set the control to a warmer setting and allow several hours for the temperature to stabilize. Recommended temperature for a freezer is 0°F (-17.78°C)

When was the last time the gaskets were cleaned?

  • ​​A dirty or badly fitting gasket will cause an air leak.
  • Check door gasket to ensure it is clean, installed correctly and making a good seal on the unit (look and feel for gaps, if found try to adjust door gasket)

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