Refrigerator Prime and Purge Guide


  • No water
  • No ice
  • Taste and odor issues

Applies to

  • Refrigerators


When do you need to prime and purge your unit?

  • On newly installed units to ensure all the water and plumbing lines are flushed out.
  • After installing a new water filter.

Why prime and purge your unit?

  • Air can be trapped in the new plumbing lines which can result in 2 or 3 empty ice maker cycles.
  • Ice may be discolored or have an odd flavor.
  • Water may not flow evenly from the dispenser.

How to prime and purge your unit.

  1. Start by pressing and holding a pitcher against the water dispenser paddle.
  2. Keep the pitcher in this position until the water comes out of the dispenser. It may take about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Continue dispensing water for several minutes to flush the unit of any impurities.
  4. Discard the water and repeat this process a few more times.
    • For newly installed units we recommend discarding at least 1 gallon of water (approximately 8 tall glasses of water).
    • For newly installed water filters we recommend discarding 3-5 tall drinking glasses of water.

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