Connected Appliances - What does the blinking Wi-FI LED on my Frigidaire Connected Home Comfort appliance mean?Read more
Connected Appliances - What are the benefits of a Frigidaire Connected Home Comfort Appliance?Read more
Connected Appliances - How do I move from the Frigidaire – Smart Appliances app and start using the Frigidaire 2.0 app?Read more
Connected Appliances - Can multiple people in the same household use the Frigidaire 2.0 app on multiple devices?Read more
Connected Appliances - If I lose power, does my appliance lose its connection to the Frigidaire 2.0 app?Read more
Connected Appliances - How do I reach Frigidaire customer care for my Connected Home Comfort appliance?Read more
Connected Appliances - What are the recommended commands to use with Alexa for my Frigidaire Connected Home Comfort appliance?Read more
Connected Appliances - I am having trouble connecting the Frigidaire 2.0 app to my Connected Home Comfort appliance. What can I do?Read more
What are the recommended commands to use with Google Home Assistant for my Frigidaire Connected Home Comfort appliance?Read more
What should I do if I received an email stating my Frigidaire Smart App is being replaced with the Frigidaire 2.0 app?Read more
How do I improve my baking results with my Frigidaire range? Ex. My oven appears to be too hot or I have uneven temperatures.Read more
Connected Appliances - What happens to my connection to the Frigidaire 2.0 app if I change my home router?Read more